Born in Taranto on December 18th, 1951
dialects: Apulian, Neapolitan, Palermo, Emilian
1981 France (Aix en Provence) Mimo School with students by Marcel Marceau;
1976 Drama Art Academy of the “Antoniano di Bologna” (Teacher Gilka Matteuzzi)
1979 Boston (U.S.A) Internship in private schools with the Stanislavsky-Strasberg Method (Actors Studio model).
Graduate in Law obtained on 6 May 1975 at the University of Bari
2004 Starring and producer of the film “Sono viva, credo”, (Memorie di Monte Sole 1944-2004), directed by Giovanni Bonicelli. Production: Clarence s.c.r.l. (Films of National Cultural Interest)
2014 “Pietro Mennea, la freccia del sud”, directed by Ricki Tognazzi
2006 “La Squadra “, Rai 3
2019 Performs and directs: “Infinitamente… Giacomo”, on the occasion of the celebration of the bicentenary of “L’Infinito” and the awarding of the Giacomo Leopardi Prize to Mogol;
2019 He interprets and directs “Dante Esoterico” – Musics by Franco Eco (Rocca di Montefiore Conca, “Gruppo Teatro Colli” Production);
2019 He writes, interprets and directs “Giordano Bruno/ Suite di un filosofo” (Teatro Dehon in Bologna, “Gruppo Teatro Colli” Production );
2018 He interprets and directs “Una questione di Armonia” (Spazio Tondelli in Riccione, “Gruppo Teatro Colli” Production);
2018 He interprets and directs “Dante Esoterico” – Musics by Franco Eco (Spazio Tondelli in Riccione, “Gruppo Teatro Colli” Production);
2017 He interprets and directs “Dante Esoterico” – Musics by Franco Eco (Villa il Vascello in Rome, “Gruppo Teatro Colli” Production);
2017 He plays “Enzo Tortora – Storia di un galantuomo” by Michele Cosentini (Palacongressi di Rimini and Teatro Carlo Goldoni of Bagnacavallo (“Gruppo Teatro Colli” Production);
2017 He writes, directs and interprets “Giacomo Casanova Under Construction” (Teatro Dehon, Bologna, “Gruppo Teatro Colli” Production);
2016 He directs and interprets “Parole di Avvocato” collage of legal texts in music – (Palacongressi di Rimini, Unione Camere Penali Italiane Production);
2015 He plays “Enzo Tortora-Storia di un galantuomo” by Michele Cosentini (Palacongressi in Rimini- Unione Camere Penali Italiane Production);
2014 Interpreter and director of “Il Testamento di Cagliostro” (Fortress of San Leo, Rimini);
2013 He writes, directs and interprets “Intervista a Padre Marella” (Teatro Dehon, Bologna);
2012 He writes, directs and interprets “Morti Ammazzati – Falcone, Borsellino e altri eroi” (Teatro Dehon, Bologna);
2012 He writes, directs and interprets “Intervista a Cavour” (Villa Il Vascello, Rome) with Alessandro Cecchi Paone;
2011 He writes, directs and interprets “Monito di Attilio Bandiera ai giovani Italiani di oggi” (Teatro Morelli, Cosenza);
2011 He writes with Andrea Maioli, directs and interprets “SLA – Un calcio alla malattia” (Teatro Antoniano, Bologna);
2011 He writes, directs and interprets “Discorso di Garibaldi agli italiani di oggi” (Palacongressi Fiera, Rimini and Teatro Cilea, Reggio Calabria);
2011 He plays “Gabriele Rossetti in concerto” (L’Aquila);
2010 He interprets “Intervista con Andrea Costa” (Oratory of Santa Cristina, Bologna and the City Hall of Imola, Bologna);
2010 He interprets “Intervista a Giosuè Carducci” (Villa Il Vascello, Rome);
2009 Interpreter and director of “Sacco e Vanzetti” by G. Brancale (Teatro Dehon, Bologna);
2008 Interpreter and director of “E lo difendono pure… ” by E. Montagna (Teatro Stabile of Veneto-Carlo Goldoni, Venice) for which he receives the “Avvocatura Veneziana Carlo Goldoni” Award in collaboration with the Giuffrè Publishing House;
2007 Interpreter and director of “Intervista a San petronio” by M. Poli (Oratorio San Filippo Neri, Bologna);
2007 Interpreter and director of “Intervista a Giosuè Carducci” by M. Poli(Oratorio San Filippo Neri, Bologna);
2007 Interpreter and director of “Intervista a Padre Marella” by M. Clementi and E. Montagna (St. Stephen’s Basilica, Bologna) ;
2007 Interpreter and director of “Lectura Dantis in Concerto” Recital by E. Montagna (Basilica of St. Stephen, Bologna);
2006 Director of “Il successo” by A. Testoni. New dramaturgy by M. Cosentini (Teatro Duse, Bologna);
2005 Director of “Mo che fatt’idea” by F. Frabboni from ” Due dozzine di rose scarlatte ” by Aldo De Benedetti (Teatro Alemanni, Bologna);
2005 Interpreter and director of “Galilei” by G. Brancale (Teatro Arena del Sole, Bologna);
2004 Interpreter and director of “Giordano Bruno” by C. Corsellini (Palazzo Stella-Crespellano, Bologna);
2003 Interpreter and director of “Padre Marella” by M. Clementi. Produced by the Foundation of the Monte of Bologna and Ravenna (Teatro Dehon, Bologna);
2002 Director and choreographer of “Filomela” by G. Brancale (Teatro Comunale di Dovadola, Forlì- Teatro Verdi di Monte S.Savino, Arezzo – Teatro San Martino, Bologna);
2002 Director of “Le spine di Monte sole” by G. Brancale (Archaeological Museum Pompeo Aria Marzabotto, Bologna);
2002 He plays “Twin Towers” by G. Brancale – music by Fabrizio Festa (Palazzo D’Accursio, Bologna);
2001 Interpreter and director of “Un uomo solo al comando … Fausto Coppi” by G. Ferrarini and G.Marco Montesano (Teatro Dehon, Bologna, Teatro Comunale di Arona, Teatro Comunale di Erbusco);
2001 Director of “Tesmoforiazuse” by Aristophanes (Archaeological Museum Pompeo Aria Marzabotto, Bologna);
2000 Director of “Eltropp E’ tropp” by A. Testoni (Teatro Alemanni, Bologna);
2000 Director of “Alcesti” by Euripides, with Barbara Cola (Archaeological Museum Pompeo Aria Marzabotto, Bologna);
2000 Director of “Due Eroi Romantici” La strana vicenda Zamboni-De Rolandis by R. Galli. With Daniela Poggi (Teatro Duse, Bologna);
1999 Interpreter and director of “Ugo Bassi” by M. Fois (Teatro Arena del Sole, Bologna);
1999 Director of “Baccanti” by Euripides (Archaeological Museum Pompeo Aria Marzabotto, Bologna);
1998 Artistic director of the “Festival di Teatro in Musica” City of Marzabotto LA MUSICA IN SCENA. Direction of “Giordano Bruno” by C.Corsellini; “Medea” by Euripides and “La Verità” by C. Vitali (Rocca di Roffeno, Bologna);
1998 Interpreter and director of “Qui è successo un ’48” by C. Vitali (Piazza Maggiore, Bologna);
1997 Founder of the GTC – Gruppo Teatro Colli – a company of professional actors born on the experience of the Colli Theatre School;
1997 Performer and director of “Italia! Italy!” by C. Vitali (Teatro Duse, Bologna);
1996 Director of “Ipotesi d’Accusa” G.Scalise.( Dehon Theatre, Bologna);
1996 Director of “Il labirinto dei delitti” by L.Giorgi. (Teatro Arena del Sole, Bologna) ;
1996 Interpreter of “Don Giovanni”. Choreography by mauro Bigonzetti (Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza);
1996 Interpreter and director of “Rito – Jacopone, San Francesco, Dante and Petrarca… in Concerto” Choreographies by Mauro Bigonzetti (Teatro Duse, Bologna);
1995 Director of “Revolution! ” by Peter Weiss and Yukyo Mishima. (Villa Cassoli Guastavillani, Bologna);
1993 Director of “Niente da dichiarare? ” by C.M.Hennequin and Pierre Veber (Teatro Comunale Dolcini di Mercato Saraceno, Forlì) ;
1992 Director of “Il Libertino” by Aldo De benedetti (Teatro Comunale Dolcini di Mercato Saraceno, Forlì);
1992 Director of “Il Mondo di Paul Slickey” by J.Osborne (Teatro Giovanni XXIII, Bologna);
1992 Interpreter and director of “Rito” (Pieve di Monte Sorbo, Cesena);
1992 Director of a multimedia recital “Inesauribile desiderio” on texts and words by Enzo Aprea (Eremo di Ronzano, Bologna);
1991 Director of “Case piene di ricordi … in affitto” by G. Scalise (Teatro del Biplano, Bologna);
1991 Director of “Coppie” by Courteline, Ionesco, Schnitzler (Teatro Comunale Dolcini di Mercato Saraceno, Forlì);
1991 Director of “Marat / Sade by Peter Weiss (Teatro Giovanni XXIII,Bologna);
1990 Interpreter and director of “2 Pirandello in Concerto” (Sala Polivalente of the “Comune di Bologna”)
1990 Actor in “La leggenda del Golem” by Gustav Mayrinc, by Giorgio celli, Gregorio Scalise, Gianfranco Ferri, directed by Gianfranco Ferri (Teatro Branick, Prague);
1990 Interpreter and director of “Misterium” – Viaggio nel mistero da San Francesco e Totò (Spazio ex magazzini supply of the FS, Bologna);
1988 Interpreter and director of “Rodolfo Valentino” by G. Liotta (Municipality of Taranto, Teatro Orfeo, ETI circuit, Teatro Rochira di Castellaneta, Teatro Il Piccolo in Forlì, Teatro Comunale di S. Giovanni in Persiceto, Bologna);
1988 Actor in “I Cerimoniali di Maggio”, directed by G.Ferri for the 9th centenary of the University of Bologna (Espace Pierre Cardin of Paris);
1987 Interpreter and director of “Il tempo e il rifiuto” by G. Rimondi (Teatro Verdi di Forlimpopoli, Teatro Dehon in Bologna, Teatro La Soffitta in Bologna);
1985 Performer and director of Oscar Wilde’s “Salome”;
1985 Director of “La Gallinella acquatica” by S. Witkiewicz (Rainerum Theatre, Bolzano);
1984 Performer and director of “Mystic”. Music by Fabrizio Festa (Villa dei Due Orologi – Gaibola, Bologna and Teatro Petrarca in Arezzo);
1982 Interpreter and director of “Jazz Me the Theatre”, replicated for 2 years at the Teatro Dehon in Bologna, Teatro Due in Parma, Teatro La Perla in Venezia Lido, Sala Polivalente in Ferrara.
1982 Lead actor in Oscar Rabitti’s “Ritorno a casa”, Directed by Rita Riboni (Theatre Dehon, Bologna);
1977 Interpreter in “L’escuriale” by Michel De Ghelderode. Directed by Giorgio Triestini
2008 “Carlo Goldoni Dell’Avvocatura Veneziana” Award;
2003 International Award “Rodolfo Valentino” for Communication;
1996 “Giosuè Carducci” Award for the Theater;
2003 International Award “Rodolfo Valentino” for Communication;
2008 “Carlo Goldoni Dell’Avvocatura Veneziana” Award;
1987 “Wanda Capodaglio” Award, the highest award for Acting Schools, at the Colli Theatre School;
2018 Lecturer of theatre and communication workshops in various Italian cities;
2007/2012 Teacher of internships in communication and persuasion with the IUSS of Ferrara-Unife;
2007 Emanuele Montagna takes over the artistic and didactic direction of a Masterclass of theatre and Communication for the Venetian Criminal Chamber (first Italian edition in this field);
2006 Collaboration with the European Social Fund, the Emilia Romagna Region, the Colli Theatre School and the Actors Studio of New York, through a Masterclass of acting specialization;
2000 Professor of “Communication of Persuasion” at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ferrara;
1994/1999 Lecturer od avdanced courses for actors, in collaboration with the Department of Professional Education of the Emila Romagna Region and the European Social Fund;
1994 He began his collaboration with the University of Bologna, through a cycle of lectures for the Faculty of Psychology, chair of Experimental Pedagogy, collaborating with Prof. Nicola Cuomo;
1986 Founder and director in Florence of the ATELIER – SCHOOL OF THEATRE OF FLORENCE;
1983/1985 Founder in Venice, with the patronage of the Department of Professional Education of the Veneto Region, the FOYER – SCHOOL OF THEATRE OF VENICE;
1980 Founder of the SCHOOL OF TEATRO COLLI – School of Theatre of Emilia Romagna, with the patronage of the Municipality of Bologna. To this day he is the Artistic Director;