The Luigi Chiarini Library is one of the most important research centres on film industry in the world.
It is a highly specialised library, which holds over 141,289 books, focusing on film (history, critic, theory, aesthetics, language, techniques, animation, festival catalogues, production, distribution, rights, biographies, filmographies, bio-bibliographic repertoires and bibliographies), audiovisuals, costume design, set design, photography, art, comics, music, literature, sociology, philosophy as well as theatrical and fiction texts.
Over the years the Library expanded its equipment to include digital media such as: streaming music recordings, e-books, digital magazines and audio books. All film-related material undergoes analytical cataloguing, so that users can carry out easier and more in-depth research (also remotely: our online archive SebinaYou is available on the Foundation’s website).
Newspaper library
An important collection of press clippings from film topics, taken from the major national newspapers and weekly newspapers. The paper material has been archived according to the following sections: filmmaker, original title of the film, festivals and film festivals, various topics. Since 2001, the Luigi Chiarini Library has been using specialized agencies that provide IT support and full-text downloadable articles.