Call for selection of CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema for admission to the three-year courses 2024/2027 is open.
Find online the call for application to the three-years courses 2024/2027 del CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema, among the oldest and most prestigious film schools in the world, for over 85 years a place of excellence for generations of protagonists of Italian and international cinema.
Attending the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia means, nowadays, get access not only to a proverbial "author training" – passed on by some of the main protagonists of the international audiovisual panorama - but also having direct access, right from the first lessons of the first year, to film and television industry, with numerous opportunities for internships, work opportunities and participation in creative workshops promoted by important companies.
The educational programmes of CSC - Scuola Nazionale di Cinema are structured over a three-year period, with the objective of offering a complete path, able to combine research and experimentation, stimulating to the maximum degree the collaboration between all technical and artistic professions that contribute to the creation of cinematographic and audiovisual works. Proof be the fact that CSC - Scuola Nazionale di Cinema produces, in Europe, the highest number of short films: from yearly exercises to graduation films, all made by students of all the courses over the three-year period, and submitted throughout the year to main international festivals worldwide.
“CSC has changed my life: it is a unique place where everyone talks about cinema” – Recently recalled young Valerio Ferrara, former Directing student who won first prize at 2022 Cannes Film Festival's Cinef with his short film "Il barbiere complottista".
Other than Valerio Ferrara many young CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema graduates won important awards thanks to short films made during the three years, or got involved in prestigious projects a few months after graduation.
Just to mention a few of them: Simone Bozzelli (director of “Patagonia” presented at Locarno International Film Festival 2023), Celeste Dalla Porta (in the cast Paolo Sorrentino's upcoming film), Maria Chiara Giannetta (protagonist of successful series “Blanca”), Francesca Mazzoleni (director of “Punta sacra”, co-director of “Supersex”), Angela Norelli (awarded at 2023 Settimana Internazionale della Critica with the short film “We should all be futurists” produced by CSC), Federica Pagliaroli (last addiction to national series “Che Dio ci aiuti”), Matteo Paolillo (leading cast of “Mare fuori”), Eduardo Scarpetta (leading cast of “Qui rido io”, “Le fate ignoranti – La serie”), Gianmarco Saurino (protagonist in the series “Per Elisa – il caso Elisa Claps”), Paolo Strippoli (co-director of “A Classic horror story”, director of “Piove”) e Lorenzo Tardella (2023 David di Donatello for Best Short film with “Le variabili dipendenti” produced by CSC). And also screenwriters, cinematographers, set designers, costume designers and new graduates of all the courses involved in major productions and active on the film and series sets.
The Diploma awarded by the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema del Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, excluding the course of Conservation and management of the audiovisual heritage, is equivalent to the three-year degree L-03 (DAMS), pursuant to D.M. n. 378 of 24 April 2019.
From March 1st and until May 15th 2024 it will be possible to submit applications for admission electronically only through the appropriate online participation procedure published on the website of Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (https://www.fondazionecsc.it/ammissione/).
Applications for admission to the Documentary course in Sicily and the Reportage course in Abruzzo can be submitted until 02/09/2024.
Fifteen scholarships will be awarded.
Here is the complete and updated list of all the courses of CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema.
CSC - Sede Roma:
Conservation and management of the audio-visual heritage
Costume design
Film Editing
Film Production
Set Design
Sound Design
Visual Effects Supervisor & Producer
CSC Reportage - Sede Abruzzo
CSC Advertising and Industrial Cinema - Sede Lombardia
CSC Animation - Sede Piemonte
CSC Documentary - Sede Sicilia
Click here to download the presentation video and some immages of CSC – Scuola Nazionale di Cinema.