Home > The thousand faces of Orson Welles
The thousand faces of Orson Welles

Author: Emiliano Morreale (edited by) e Maurizio Maggi (photographs of)

Year: 2015

Pages: 98

Publisher: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; Sabinae

ISBN: 9788898623228

€ 18,00


The book publishes a series of photographs (most of which previously unreleased) taken between 1969 and 1971 by cinematographer and photographer Maurizio Maggi. Maggi accompanied Welles during the shooting of The Deep, a film based on a novel by Charles Williams and starring, among others, Oja Kodar, and during the production of a series of sketches meant for a Cbs TV special known as Orson’s Bag. Maggi himself narrates this wonderful adventure in an interview with Luca Pallanch.

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