Laura Romano
![Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia](
April 27, 2023
With a Master of Arts from Rome University Sapienza, Laura Romano obtained a Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from the same university. She attended Esodoc and Eurodoc training courses. After a long experience in film distribution, co-production, and film festival strategies (GA&A Productions), in 2018 Romano co-founded the film production company FilmAffair, whose latest films include Elettra Fiumi’s Radical Landscapes (2022), presented at DOC NYC 2022 and FIFA – Montréal 2023; Flavia Montini’s Los Zuluagas (2021), Festival dei Popoli, DOC AVIV, Premio ‘Valentina Pedicini’ Silver Ribbons 2022; Duccio Fabbri’s Sqizo (2020), premiere at Biografilm Festival 2020; Adele Tulli’s Normal (2019), 2019 Berlinale/Panorama, and Menzione Speciale Opera Prima at the 2020 Silver Ribbons. She acts as a consultant for the development, production strategies, creative production, and festival attendance of documentaries; she worked in the production and programming of film festivals such as Visioni Fuori Raccordo and MedFilm Festival Roma; she collaborated with training and research organizations as a teacher (CSC Sicilia; Rome University Sapienza; Bologna University conference on Visual Anthropology Views); she contributed to the implementation of multimedia projects and workshops (Contact-Zones, a project of interactive art with the media artist Vanessa Vozzo developed with the Turin Polytechnic and in collaboration with PAV- Parco Arte Vivente 2017-2018); she occasionally acts as an external referee for cultural institutions (Compagnia di San Paolo, digital production 2017-2019).