Home > Carta canta 2. Esecuzione di alcuni brani tratti dagli spartiti musicali della Biblioteca “Luigi Chiarini”
Carta canta 2. Esecuzione di alcuni brani tratti dagli spartiti musicali della Biblioteca “Luigi Chiarini”

Author: Biblioteca Luigi Chiarini

Year: 2012

Publisher: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

€ 5,00


The DVD contains the live recording of the musical show “Carta Canta 2” organized at the library “Luigi Chiarini” on december 13rd, 2011, in the context of the cultural events held at the library. The event was created with the intent to offer to the audience the live performance of some music papers held in the library, in particular those from the 30s and 40s which marked the birth of an indissoluble couple, music and film.

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