Monday May 29th at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, a masterclass reserved for students of the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema, which will be offered to the public on May 30th in the theatres of the Casa del Cinema
Martin Scorsese, one of the greatest directors in the history of the seventh art, Monday May 29th will host a masterclass reserved to the students of CSC – Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
May 30th, starting at 11 am, the two main theatres of Casa del Cinema (Cinecittà and Fellini) will host the screening of the masterclass the director will hold the day before, Monday May 29th. Admission into the theatres of Casa del Cinema will be free upon presentation of a coupon that may be collected thirty minutes before the beginning of the screening.
As announced by by Gian Luca Farinelli (President of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma) and Paola Malanga (Artistic Director, with Francesca Via (General Manager), May 30th at 9.00 pm the American master filmmaker will be the protagonist of an encounter with the audience that will be held at the Teatro Ettore Scola, the large outdoor arena immersed in the park of Villa Borghese. The event, for which admission will be free while seats are available, will take place on the occasion of the screening of Mean Streets, one of the filmmaker’s masterpieces, and will be made possible by the collaboration with the Founding Partners of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma: Roma Capitale, Regione Lazio, Cinecittà (representing the Ministry of Culture), the Chamber of Commerce, Industry Craftsmanship and Agriculture of Rome, the Fondazione Musica per Roma and with the support of Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia.
During the event, Scorsese will present the film series “Carta bianca” to the audience, which will be held at Casa del Cinema through June 4thin collaboration with the Cineteca di Bologna. The programme, curated by the master himself, will centre on five double features: to each title from his remarkable filmography, Scorsese has matched a film that has been a source of inspiration for his work. The following are the double feature films proposed by the filmmaker: Who’s That Knocking at My Door by Martin Scorsese and Shadows by John Cassavetes (May 29th); Mean Streets by Martin Scorsese and Prima della Rivoluzione by Bernardo Bertolucci (May 30th); The Color of Money by Martin Scorses and Il sorpasso by Dino Risi (May 31st); Goodfellas by Martin Scorsese and Ocean’s Eleven by Lewis Milestone (June 1st); Cape Fear by Martin Scorsese and The Night of the Hunter by Charles Laughton (June 2nd). On June 3rd and 4th, the schedule will feature six repeat screenings of the films in the programme. The second part of “Carta Bianca”by Martin Scorsese will be held at Casa del Cinema during the month of September.
On Friday June 2nd, Martin Scorsese will be in Bologna, as a guest of the Cineteca: the American director will meet the public on Friday June 2nd at the Cinema Arlecchino (Via della Lame, 59/a) on the occasion of the screening of his film Goodfellas, matched by Scorsese to the first Ocean’s Eleven, made by Lewis Milestone in 1960. The following is the programme for Friday June 2nd at Cinema Arlecchino: at 5 pm, the screening of Ocean’s Eleven; at 8 pm, the screening of Goodfellas, presented by Martin Scorsese. The ticket for both screenings will cost 15 euro (full price) and 12 euro (discount price).